Sunday, January 4, 2009

In Connection with the Epiphany Commemoration

I just went to church today and felt relieved after the mass. But what I have been getting out from the homily is the commemoration of the Epiphany or the Three Kings which was in connection with the tragic tragedy happening in our city at this moment. Yes indeed, our neighboring sitio is unfortunate of having been devastated with the great flood because of the simultaneous rains here in the past days. Perhaps you were wondering what would be the connection of the Epiphany homily in this tragic phenomenon. The homily was trying to pinpoint that Epiphany is not just about celebrating the giving gift of the three kings towards Jesus but it also enlighten our minds that in this recent moment you, me and everyone of us are considered as the three kings who were accountable in sharing gifts to this unfortunate flood victim people. There are countless people nowadays that need our help. In fact, if we are keen enough to see our surroundings you will be amazed and realized at the end that we are blessed of having been abounding with various graces God has given us. And because of this, it would be our time to share these blessings to others just like what the three kings have done during the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. So, even just at this moment, be one of those three kings who were sincere enough to lend a hand to others who needs your help.

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