Monday, November 21, 2011

How's your French language?

Okay, it has been awhile that I haven't filled this blog of mine, century I think LOL! I might be busy or just being lazy? Hahaha... Anyways, I just realized that I missed blogging.

Now, I'm in this country "Switzerland" which is a little strange for me. Perhaps because the people don't speak the language that most of the people learned "English", but for sure these people speaks this language which almost everyone calls it the language of love "French".

Yes French! And I just love it! Learning the language isn't easy, not at all I can tell. But somehow it is a language that is quite challenging. It's a language that needs so much effort and of course patience motivation. Patience and motivation because you will surely be lost if you don't have this characteristics with you.

And I'm happy, since after almost two months of staying here, I have the opportunity to learn the language, to understand it a little and to speak a little french to the french speaking people around. I feel blessed! But I still need my online dictionary hahaha...

And aside from that, this country is just amazing! The landscapes, flowers, trees and the environment itself is just incredible. Before, I was just seeing these things on tv, pictures news or in the cinema, now I couldn't believe that I've seen it in real, it's just fascinating!

On the other hand, if you really wanted to immerse on this country's way of life and it's culture, learn the language. Through this, you will eventually adopt whatever they have.

Oh by the way, I almost forgot! Although Switzerland is a small landlocked country, you have to take note that the whole area doesn't speaks the same language, because some part of the country speaks German, Italian, French and Rumantsch. These are actually the four official languages that the country has.

So depends on which area you wanted to be with, you can opt to learn one of these four languages.

Okay, so a bientot!