Friday, January 23, 2009

Barack Obama against the Abortion Issue

Curious about the updates of America, so I crept on my computer and explored the internet about the situation of the country since Barack Obama just sit down on his new position. The first black American president ever happened in the history of America. Very excited, I immediately type-in his name and the search engine leads me to BBCNEWS.

I was appalled with what I read. Since after the inauguration of the president, Obama was already been bombarded with controversies and issues, well not unless he were not a prominent person. Anyways, according to what I read Obama was been criticized over the issues regarding the abortion matter. It was stated that the president was signing on the orders that ban on abortion funds without the coverage by the media.

Some people in America are against the issue since they believed that Obama is trying to allow abortion legal as the best way to control population increase. But there are groups who were also agreeing in Obama’s point of view because it seems to them that American women are given the freedom whether they should abort or not in any circumstances.

What do you think of this issue? If abortion would be legalized, do you think it would help retrieve the economic downfall of America?

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