Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tok-tok and his new way of life

Perhaps you were wondering why I posted this picture here. Hahahaha… Well, this rooster actually has its owned name, Tok-tok and his one of our pets. Actually, we have many different pets in our house. We owned fourteen love birds, two dogs a mini pinscher one and a crossbreed german shepherd. We also have two cats Kopeks and Punky.

Tok-tok in fact is one of my sister’s pet. We are all pet lovers actually but my other sister is the one who love pets the most. Anyway, my mama though never that against by Tok-tok’s presence however she is against on his daily feeding. You know rooster’s foods are a bit expensive. My mama hate to think that Tok-tok has no significant role in our house but just keeps on eating and sleeping all day. That is why my mama told my sister to sell it instead of letting him die the next day doing nothing. Though it’s hard for my sister’s side she forced to sell Tok-tok to our neighbor.

The day after Tok-tok was sell our neighbor came back to our house and very happy. He told us that Tok-tok just won the cock-fighting game. Hahaha… we just couldn’t believe it because Tok-tok is just one of our pampered pets and never been to fights since his birth. And we can’t event believe it because he’s too fat to fight and we were thinking that he can’t carry himself. But after that good news we were also happy though a little bit sad because Tok-tok is now living in a different world which is too far from the world he has been before living with us.

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