Monday, September 29, 2008

The risks of being upside down

Have you heard about David Blaine? He was not only the talk of the town in the West side but he is also famous all over the world because of his recent incredible stunt. He has just finished his three days up side down stunt to make him known again in Guinness Book of Records. But there are various rumors and news about his incredible stunts, regarding the bad effects on his health. Putting yourself up side down according to Dr. Paul Ford who was known a lecturer in exercise physiology at the University of East London could be risky since the “heart is supported by the effect of gravity”.

When you do the up side down trick, your blood will possibly pooling in the head and lungs which will be the cause of risky problems. In fact, the risk that you can get in lungs is a pulmonary oedema. Another thing, according to Prof. Grossman you may have a stroke if your blood pressure is too high which will possibly lead to early death. And because of this, Blaine never let himself hanging up side down the whole 60 hours. In fact, in every once an hour he had to come down for his medical check up. Being in the stunt of up side down is never advisable to anybody due to its high risks effect. Furthermore, his stunt is no joke which is not advisable for anybody of both young and old.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Behind his dark world gives light to others

Earlier this day, I was watching the entertaining Filipino show Rated K which is anchored by the prominent celebrity reporter Ms. Korina Sanchez. Personally, I loved watching her show since it is entertaining, interesting and you can get some lessons as well out of it. In fact, lately I was really pity on what her show was featured it talks about different kinds of work. But for me the most interesting person the Rated K featured there is the blind old man who was blinded since he was four years old. I just can say that the man is amazing. I forgot the old man’s name but definitely he is blind but surviving. I really salute on the bravery of that old man.

When he was in his adult age he left he’s home and traveled alone in Manila despite the condition that he has. It is because he doesn’t want to depend more on his parents, he traveled alone and reached Manila after riding with the train. He depends more on God that give him confidence in dealing in places he never seen and never been with since he was blind. And because God is too good, Mr. Old blind man survived his life, having a family of his own. At the morning he sell “ice drop” for his family and at the evening he’s selling “ballot”. If someone will buying his stuff Mr. Old man doesn’t even know how much money his customer is given him, so therefore it is considered a risk because of the possibilities that his customers might cheat him. However, despite that he only answered that God will be the one who will judge them.

If we try to analyze, Mr. Old blind man is not just a tough man with self confidence facing the world of life but he is as well one of the best example and role model of those lazy people who are complete but doesn’t want to work at all, but love doing nasty things abusing themselves by doing drugs which leads them to robbery or other illegal activities. Why not think about it? If we want to survive in this world that we are living, start working now and live normally there are many works everywhere but sometimes we are being blinded of laziness which is not good at all.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Wind significance

As I explored the internet today, I’ve read in BBNews which titled “When the wind doesn’t blow” by Simon Cox. With its title itself I was already appalled and a bit scared. I read his story that talks about how significant the wind is in Britain as their sourced of electricity. However it says there somehow that by the year 2020 it would be hard for the authorities in Britain how to manipulate the usage of wind for electricity. That is why they are trying to look for the best way how to make their source of electricity remains normal since they are very much dependent on wind energy as their source of electricity.

On the other hand, what makes me scared as well is the fact that what if the wind will eventually decrease from its normal density as the years run forward? You know I wasn’t only signifying on Britain’s situation but as well as for everybody’s condition including animals, insects, plants and other living thing which highly dependent on the wind. Since most of the winds are being dominated with pollution, we can never say that the winds we breathe nowadays are purely clean but of course it is already mixed with pollution. The sad thing about it since, we human beings are aware of the pollution happening on the air but it seems to us that we never care about it all since there are still some people who were abusing the purity of the wind.

As we sail on the boat of our life, hopefully we as well human beings should consider the environment that we have now, protect them from pollution since there are still next generation who will follow our steps. What would be their condition if since birth they are already exposed to the corrupting activities of their folks? They would be the one suffering at the end. So starting today, lets help the mother earth live as normal as she is before, lets start it from cleaning the air.